Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Victim or Victor?

Wow, it's been a long while since my last post. I always said that I would not post unless I was instructed to do so, by God. That means that when He instructs me to post, then someone who reads it, will be blessed by it!

This morning I was just sitting out on the patio, enjoying the breeze and watching my plants, seemingly enjoying the breeze as much as I am. The hummingbirds and the butterflies are enjoying the brightly colored flowers and the fragrances that they are giving off.

As I am sitting here, I am also meditating on a few scriptures that I have recently read. God's Word is so rich! It feeds me, then it makes me hungry all over again! I don't care what situation that I might find myself in on any given day, God's Word, addresses it!

I am so in love with God. His Word is amazing. It is Him! It is Him talking...talking to me and talking to you. He tells me how He feels about me. He tells me how much He loves me, how much He cares about me, all that He has done for me, and what He still wants to do in my life. God loves me and He loves you. He is interested in us living a wonderful life. He wants us to really know Him. He wants us to have a personal relationship with Him. He wants to laugh with us. He wants to be involved with everything that we do, every day.

Today, as I was talking to Him this morning, about the events that are happening all around us, He reminded me that He so wants to be involved in our world. What, the God of the Universe, the one who created the world and everything and everyone in telling me that He wants to be involved in it, as if He can't! He reminded me, that He can't...unless someone gives Him permission to! What, The Sovereign God of the universe, needs someone's permission to do things in the earth? Are you kidding me? God sent me to His Word...Genesis 1:26-He said, notice who is in charge of the earth. Not Me, not Jesus, not The Holy Spirit..."We gave man dominion, to be in charge of the earth"! Then He sent me to Psalm 115:16, He said that He owns the earth, but He gave stewardship and ruler-ship of it to men! Then continuing on, He sent me to 2 Chronicles 7:14, He said that since you have dominion  and stewardship and ruler-ship over the entire earth and what I created in it, then if you call unto me, then I will come and heal the land...only if you ask me to! Ok, so I thought that was it, but no...on to Matthew 18:18-He said that whatever we not allow (bind) on earth, heaven will not allow it either. Whatever we do allow (loose) on earth, heaven will allow! He said that everyone is waiting on Me to fix things, and I am waiting on you! I put earth in man's hands. Everything that is happening is because man is allowing it to happen. I will allow what man allows! I put man in charge since the beginning...I didn't change my mind!

Wow! I know that many who may read this, will think that I have absolutely lost my mind! I did. I have God's mind. Many will stop reading this and talk about what I just said, and completely disagree. But the scripture supports this. God is the scripture. He said it! We, as believers have been give soooo much. We are created in the very image of God, we were created just like Him. He blew His very self into us! We are an amazing creation. God gave us such amazing abilities. When I was reading in Genesis yesterday, it said that God bought all the animals to Adam to see what Adam would name them. All of the various species of animals that exist, and Adam, a man, named them! (Gen. 2:19) God has blessed us with supernatural capabilities! We have the same abilities as Jesus. Jesus told us that we would do even greater works than Jesus did! Why do we not believe this! Why do we continue to beg God to fix what He has commanded us to fix? Because God is holy and sovereign, and honorable and won't even violate His own Word, He can't just step in the earth and do what He wants to, without us, in reality giving Him permission to do so! I know that by now, some of you have fallen out in the middle of the! That's why He said to pray about everything. Praying invites Him into the earth, into the situation!

Wow, I know that this is not just for me. Someone is going to be blessed by it!

We as believers, must get busy! I am tired of reading about shootings, natural disasters, terrorism, suicides, child abuse etc. We must, as the body of Christ, be the dominators, the stewards, the rulers that God has called and empowered us to be! We must take over...that's why we are here!