Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What the World Needs Now, is Love!

Wow, it's been a while since my last post. I am sitting here enjoying a beautiful day that only an awesome God can make. Birds outside singing back and forth to each other, and I sometimes believe that they are singing praises to God...(that's me thinking this). Psalm 145 says that all creation looks to Him, and depends on Him to supply their needs. I just believe that the birds, flowers and trees, praise Him too! Anyway, I am enjoying the singing and the beautiful day.

I am writing because I have been troubled about something that I witnessed on Facebook on yesterday. I know that FB is a place where everyone is free to post whatever they want to. I do realize that everyone does not do and think as I do...I get that, and I respect that. Sometimes things are said that are unkind. I read a post from a leading Christian author and teacher, and on her page was a question posted by someone. I don't know who the person is, and it really does not matter.
The person who posted on the author's page, felt free to make a statement, and the statement was, "Give me one example of God being good, just one example" The person said that they have not been able to get one person to give them an example. Wow! I was really moved by the statement, but more moved and troubled by the responses!

Various people set out to address her statement. I sat and read many of them, and I must say that I was appalled by what I was reading. I am sure that many of the persons who responded, considered themselves to be Christians, but I certainly would not believe it by the way that they responded to the statement. They proceeded to tell the person how stupid their request was, and how stupid the person was to ask such a thing. They told him/her that God is good because He still likes them after asking such a stupid thing, that if they knew the Bible, and would read it, he/she would know that God is good. This is true, but it was the tone in which it was said. So many of the people attacked, criticized, and crucified this person. So sad to me. This was a perfect opportunity to show the love of God to this person, to minister to him/her, and to let God's goodness flow to the person. I sure hoped that whoever the person is, I hope that they were not trying to make a decision whether or not to follow Christ. I hope that they were not standing on a bridge deciding whether to jump or not, because by the various responses...they probably jumped!

So often, we come upon people who wear a smile, but who are torn up behind that smile. We really don't know if that person was just a victim of the Oklahoma tornado, if they lost a loved one, if they are an unbeliever, or if they are a christian who is questioning God. There have been times in my life, that I have asked God, what is going on? Don't you see what is happening here? In my early days as a christian, before I really developed a relationship with God, I asked Him if He really cared about some things that were happening to me. God can handle all of our questions, whatever they may be. He is not going to get mad at us for asking them, He is not going to stop loving us, or punish us, or stop blessing us...that is NOT our Father. He will listen to every question. He will let us get angry at Him, even when we threaten to not share His Word, like Jeremiah did. He will just keep on being good, kind, loving, tender...He will keep on loving us!

I just hope that every christians would realize that we are here to represent God. We are the ones that God loves through. He reaches the lost through His children, He heals through us. He touches lives through us. We should always glorify Him by our lifestyle. We want grace. We want forgiveness when we stumble. We want God to embrace us when we are sad, disappointed, discouraged. We want Him to understand us when we question things. We by the same token, must be ready to extend grace to others. To love them, to forgive , to be merciful and understanding, to love! We cannot be christians on Sunday, and not on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and so on. We must be christians when others don't agree with us, when we are misunderstood, on our jobs, in a restaurant, at school...all the time, and everywhere!

This world is suffering. People are hurting. Many are depressed, discouraged, dismayed. Christians and unbelievers alike, are questioning. We must be like Jesus...always ready to love, always ready to forgive, to extend mercy and grace, always ready to let our light shine!


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Blessed To Pray and Blessed to Be, World Changers!

Today, in America, we are observing the National Day of Prayer...a day when Americans come together as a country and pray for our nation, it's leaders, it's citizens, and the world. It seems that we are at a time when so many people are distressed, discouraged and dismayed about so many things. People are depressed, and many have lost or, are almost at the point of losing all hope. Many things that people have put their trust in during the years...(jobs, government, education and degrees, their 401k, people of prominence), are crumbling all around them! There was once a time when a person could almost be guaranteed  longevity on a job, not any more! Folks had retirement accounts, social security that they could look forward to, today, this may not be the case. There was a time when people genuinely loved and cared for one another...were loyal and trustworthy, had godly values, morals, integrity...this is hard to find these days! Don't get me wrong, there are still people out there who are living a godly life, who are trusting in God, and not the systems of the world.

Today, I am praying that the Church...the body of Christ, believers everywhere, will know the awesome power and privilege that God has placed into our hands. He has given us the power of changing our world, through Prayer! God's Word tells us that He has given us (believers) dominion to master, rule and to change things in this earth...(Genesis 1:26). Yes, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, has entrusted the Earth and it's rulership, into the hands of men! Psalm 115:16 says that the heaven, even the heavens are the Lord's, BUT the earth He has given to the children of men. He put us in charge! Not just anyone, but those who have the Spirit of God in them, who are being led by Him, who have His nature, who have His will in them, His love, His purposes in their heart, those who live by faith! We make this possible by knowing Who we are in Christ, by knowing how God sees us, not how other people see us, by knowing what God has purposed us to do in the earth, by knowing that He has empowered us to do His works in the earth, by doing it through us, just as Jesus does! We are responsible for what goes on in the earth. I know that many will disagree with me, but it is scriptural! God said that if we would humble ourselves and pray, seek Him, and turn from our wicked ways, (the world is really lying in darkness and wickedness today, completely doing it's own thing, totally disregarding and violating God's laws), He promised that he would heal the land. Our land needs healing, desperately! I hear people always say that God is in control. Is He really? Look at the world...murders, terrorism, racism, immorality, deception, injustice, disrespect for parents, lying, totally disregarding God's laws, a lack of love and compassion for one another, is He really in control? If you say yes, then why do we want folks to pay when they murder your child, bomb marathons, shoot down planes, shoot up a school. If God is in control, why don't we just accept murderers, and terrorist, thieves breaking into homes, and not prosecute them, why do you want them sent to prison and pay for their crime...God is in control...right? No He isn't! He sits back and He lets all of this happen, because we let it happen! He said that when we come together, pray and agree...then He will bring to pass what we agree upon. (Matthew 18:19) He said that whatever we bind (not allow) on earth, He won't allow! Whatever we loose (allow) on earth, God will allow! (Matthew 18:18) It looks to me like we have to give God permission to move in the earth, and we do it by praying! Yes the Sovereign God of the Universe, needs our permission to move in the earth! He put us in charge, so because of His Sovereignty, He is not going to step onto earth and just do what He wants to do. He is not going to do what He has given us the power and the authority to do! So, if we as believers don't do anything, then we can't complain about the world as it is today! We are God's Ambassadors, sent to take over here, to bring the Kingdom of God into manifestation in this earth, to bring Heaven to earth, to bring God's will, purposes, intent, and His Government here! We have to pray...pray in line with God's Word!

We are the answer for the world today! The world is waiting for the sons of God, us to manifest and be who God has created us to be!

We don't need a new President, a bunch of new politicians, a new boss, new neighbors, new co-workers. We need a President and politicians, and bosses, and co-workers that are new...with a New Birth, a New spirit, a New nature, a New mind! We need believers who have a renewed mind, who think God's higher thoughts and walk in His higher ways, who know that we world changers!

So as I pray today, I am praying that God's will be done on this earth, as it is in Heaven. I am praying that Heaven would come to earth and that God's Kingdom would take over the earth and change men's hearts and spirits and natures and minds. I am praying that love  and compassion and grace and mercy would be extended to all men, women, boys and girls, no matter who they are. I am praying for the souls of men, that they would be changed from darkness to light, from the power of satan to the power of God, that they would renounce sin and satan, and that they will seek Jesus as saviour and lord of their life. I am praying that the body of Christ would know God more, would rise up and be the light in a dark world, would minister the gift of reconciliation to all, would share the love of God to all people, and would walk in the power, dominion, and authority that God has delegated to us!

We can and we must make a difference in this world!
