Monday, April 28, 2014

Just sharing my heart...

Just sharing my heart today. I am a little troubled by so many things, but especially by friends and family members who are being physically challenged in their body with sickness, or who are dealing with sickness in the body of a loved one. I know that for many, they seem to not be able to be free of sickness. It seems like it has been a challenge for sometime now. For others, it has been something that suddenly showed up, out of nowhere, which has produced a sense of fear and a sense of anxiety. Some are becoming depressed and discouraged. I just don't like to see anyone, in this state.

It is and always will be my desire to encourage everyone who may have found themselves at this place in life.
I want you to know beyond any shadow of a doubt, that God absolutely and unequivocally LOVES YOU!
He does now, and He always will. God is not mad at you. He is not punishing you. He is not trying to teach you anything with sickness. God wants you well. more than you want to be well! Healing is His Will for you and for your loved one! God loves us so much, that He sent Jesus to The Cross to die, so that we can live. LIVE, not survive. LIVE, not just get by. LIVE, not struggle with sickness and pain. LIVE, not be depressed and discouraged. LIVE! Live Supernaturally and abundantly! That's why Jesus give us the supernaturally, abundantly above, Life! Not just abundant in money, but abundant in life, and abundant in health, and abundant in peace, and abundant in victory, and abundant in power, and abundant in anointing, and abundant in righteousness, abundant in wisdom...get the picture? God wants this for every man, woman, boy and girl!

Please trust God. Please trust His Word. Please believe that He only has your best interest at heart. Please know that what concerns you, also concerns Him. Please know that He hears your prayers. Please know that He cares! Please know that He has power that He wants to use on YOUR behalf, if you will only let Him. Please know that He wants to do YOU good, all the days of YOUR life.

God is not looking at your mistakes and your failures. He is not judging you on your performance.

It gladdens His heart when we reach out and take from Him. Take your healing. Take your prosperity. Take your peace. Take your deliverance. Take your life!

Don't give up on God! When those negative reports come to you, look at The Word. When the doctor says that this won't happen or that won't happen, fix your eyes on God and on His Word. When the doctor says that it will be a year or so many months before healing comes...fix your eyes on The Word! Keep the Word of God in your eyes. Keep it in your ears. Keep it in your mouth!

God's Word is medicine! (Proverbs 4:20-27) Take it in, just like you take your prescriptions that the doctor gives you. Do away with perverse other words, speak and say only what the Word of God says!

The Word of God brings the healing...He sent His Word and healed them! (Psalm 107:20)
God heals ALL diseases and delivers from destruction (Psalm 103)
I AM the Lord Who heals you (Exodus 15:26)
Jesus took your sickness in his own body, so that you don't have to carry sickness in your body. (Isaiah 53:5)

Don't give up. Glorify God by living and by defying every negative report spoken against you! Amaze the doctors by walking out of that hospital...completely free of any sickness or disease.

Just wanted to encourage you and build you up today. I am standing with you! I love you too!

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