Wow, I am enjoying a wonderful Saturday afternoon! Woke up this morning from a great sleep, fully energized and well-rested. Thank You Father for giving Your beloved sleep, and making it sweet! It is His promise, you know, to give His dear child sweet sleep. He wants us to sleep each night, not sit up worrying about stuff, but to enjoy sweet sleep. It really is a gift from Him to us. Anyway, sleeping has never been a problem for me. Thank God!
Anyway, as you can see, it has been a while since I have added a new post. I have always said that I would not share unless my Father told me too, and He told me to share today. As we spent our quiet time together this morning, He told me to tell everyone once again, that He loves you so much. I am really basking more and more in His amazing love. He is giving me more and more, a greater revelation of Him, and the love that He has for all of us! He loves us sooooo much, and He wants us to know that, absolutely KNOW this. He wants us to know this by experience. He said that He does not just want us to read about His love, but to experience it every single day of our life! His love really is amazing!
When I read in His Word about all that He has already done for each one of us, it is beyond our mind to really grasp. It really does take God Himself to really enable us to really "get" how much that He loves us. We tend to look at ourselves and we look at the mistakes that we make, and we listen to, in many cases, false teachings about God and how He sees us, and about how we are in His sight, and as a result, we come away with a low estimation of us,a low estimation of hoe we think that God see us, and one which is entirely not true! Today, Father told me that He is sometimes saddened, (I asked Him if He could really get sad), because so many of His children are missing all that He has for them. They are missing the relationship that He wants with them, they are missing out on experiencing His love from day to day, they are living life with one defeat after another, they are being overcome with sickness and disease, stress, hopelessness, and whatever else the enemy has put upon them. He said that He has so much more for everyone. He has a plan for each one of us individually. It is a good plan, a plan for our good, to give us a good life, to bear fruit in our life, to help one another to know Him, to experience Him, to help bring God's Kingdom to this earth, through us! Yeah, we talked about all of this this morning! I love spending time with Him, and I love to be able to be free to talk about anything with him. He said that He wants people to really know Him more than anything. He wants us to meet Him in His Word, to know Him through the Word. He wants us to know that he wrote the Word as a personal letter to each of us is God speaking directly to us. It is Him telling us that He loves us so much, that He gave His Son to rescue us, so that He can lavish all of His love upon us, so that He can be with us from day to day, to live in our home with us, and help us, and protect us, and provide for us, and guide us, and preserve us, and heal us, and care for our every need, and make us more like Him, and make us to live like Him, and be formed in us. He wants to do so much for us, He has done for much for us, but He wants us to know this and experience this and live in Him daily.
He wants us to see ourselves as He sees us...not as sinners, or servants, or slaves, or filthy rags, or worms. He wants us to see ourselves as people who are loved, forgiven, justified as if we have never sinned, as righteous, without guilt or condemnation, as His friends, His citizens, as overcomers, as winners in life, more than conquerors, His ambassadors in the earth, to do His business, to take over this earth with the love of God, as His SONS and His DAUGHTERS! He wants us to see through His eyes! We are special! We are His masterpieces! We are not normal! We are supernatural! Not bound by this world system, not having the same results that the world gets. Not boundaries, not limits! He is in us! This is what God said to tell you today! Have a great weekend. I love you!
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