Saturday, July 9, 2016

Happy Saturday Everyone

I am up early this morning, and that is quite unusual for me, on a Saturday morning. I am a late sleeper, especially on the weekend. This morning though, I find myself up, and up with lots of things on my mind.

The last few days have been quite eventful in my world. I have witnessed things happen that I never thought that I would see in my lifetime. I have seen violence happen before my eyes, real stuff that was not on a theater's big screen. Real violence in real neighborhoods, on real streets! I have seen hatred played out in the streets, too. I read posts depicting hate on social media, and so many unkind words being spoken. I have seen people almost look like animals.

I have sat down on four separate occasions to blog in the last 24 hours, and each time I have gotten up from my computer with nothing written. It seems like for the first time, I could not find words to say! This is so unusual for me.

So much has occurred in the last 24 hours, and I wanted to say something, but words escaped me. I have always had a scripture to share, a quote or a chuckle to bring a smile or a laugh, but today, I don't know what to say. I feel empty.

I know that people around me are hurting. Some are confused. Many are angry. Some are questioning. Many are being unkind. Many are even hating too. So many are in fear, and others feel that they are without a voice and are not being heard. Many feel that they just don't matter.

It's a whirlwind of emotions controlling our world today.

I want to hug everyone, and tell them that things will get better. I want to hug everyone and tell them to not be afraid. I want to hug everyone and tell them that they are loved, and that they do matter, and that they are great and that they are somebody. I want to hug everyone and tell them that it is not their fault. I want to tell everyone that we can have a better world, right here and right now. It can happen.

I am a believer. I do believe that good triumphs over evil. I do believe that love conquers hate. I do believe that people can love each other. I do believe that everyone has some good in them. I do believe that we were all created with greatness on the inside of us, and I do believe that each of us was fearfully and wonderfully made, and this is not just a cute saying, but absolute truth! I do believe that we were all created with the capacity to love. I do believe that we can live together in peace. Maybe I am being deceived. Maybe I am fooling myself. Many will probably say that I am crazy. I am not crazy, and I am not deceived. I just believe!

I do believe God. I do believe that I know Him and that I live daily with Him, and I know that we have a relationship with each other. I know that I know and hear His voice talking to me. I know what He tells me in His Word. I know what He tells me when I am communing and in fellowship with Him, and trust and believe Him. I know that He says and I say that ALL things are possible. All simply means ALL! Nothing left out. It is possible to live in a world where there is peace. It is possible to love one another. It is possible to see the best in one another. I do believe that it is possible to overcome hate and evil, with LOVE, not the world's kind of love, but real AGAPE LOVE. I even believe that it is possible on this earth. I do believe that it is possible for us to laugh again!

I know what I believe. I know in Whom I believe. I know that He will not ever forsake me. I know that He is true to His Word. I know that if He said that something can be done, it can!

I know that things are not looking very good right now, but I have hope, and I have faith. I know that what I believe is real. I know that The Word of God is true. I know Who God is, and I know that a great life for everyone has been planned for us now. I know that many say that that good life is for when we get to heaven, but I believe that we can have a good life until we get to heaven, then it will be a great life!

I believe that no matter what, we win! Evil and hate loses.

This may just sound like rambling, or it may just sound like dreaming. I know what I believe.

Have a good weekend.


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