Yeah, yeah...I have said it once, but I have to say it again...if you are a believer, a child of God, if you have invited Jesus into your heart, received Jesus as Savior and Lord of your life, name written in the book of life, then YOU ARE JUST LIKE JESUS! JUST LIKE JESUS! JUST LIKE JESUS! YES, JUST LIKE HIM!
YOU!!! YOU!!! YOU!!!
I know that you are probably tired of me saying this, but when you really get a revelation that this is really true about YOU, it will change your life. This is really something that you will really have to sit and meditate on. It will revolutionize your life. It will change how you see yourself. It will stop you from giving in to circumstances. It will stop you from taking junk that you don't have to. It will totally change how you see your life, from now on!
This truth that you are just like Jesus, is not something that I came up with, I got it from God. He said it. I am repeating what I heard him say. He said that As Jesus IS, (not was), so am I, (right now, not when I die, right now in this world, not when I get to Heaven)! I am just like Jesus now. But how is Jesus NOW? Yeah I know that I am not supposed to start a sentence with, but...This is my blog! LOL. If I am just like Him, how is He?
Is Jesus sick, in pain, have cancer, lumps/tumors in His body, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or some other disease? NO!
Is He broke, suffering lack, in poverty, worried about lights being turned off in Heaven, worried about His mortgage? NO!
Is He depressed, suicidal, have low esteem, seeking people's approval, insecure? NO!
Is He fearful, timid, afraid of anything, or anyone? NO!
Is He walking around worried about if God approves Him, is mad at Him, is going to punish Him? NO!
Is Jesus wondering if God really loves Him, if he is doing everything to please God? NO!
Is Jesus subject to the devil? NO!
Is Jesus in bondage of any kind? NO!
Is Jesus trying to do all of the "good" things in order to win His Father's love, His approval, His blessings? NO!
Is Jesus secure in knowing Who He is, What He can do, What belongs to Him? YES!
Is Jesus powerful, bold, always winning? YES!
Is Jesus seated at His Father's right hand in the heaven? YES!
Is Jesus crowned with glory and honor? YES!
Is Jesus anointed? YES!
Does Jesus have power and authority? YES!
Is Jesus wise? YES!
Is Jesus fully persuaded of the love that His Father has for Him?
Are you starting to get my point yet? We are just like Jesus!
Not on a sick bed, no we can tell our body that Jesus does not have cancer in His body, Jesus does not have lumps/tumors, high blood pressure, so " I don't either"!
We can tell our bank accounts, checkbooks, wallets, wherever your store your money, tell it that Jesus is not lacking finances, and "neither am I"! "I am rich, and abundantly supplied, just like Jesus"!
Jesus is not afraid and intimidated, and afraid, "and neither am I"! I have the spirit of power, I am bold, and powerful, more than a conqueror, just like Jesus"!
"I am righteous"!
"I am approved, deeply LOVED, highly favored, just like Jesus"!
"I am anointed, just like Jesus"!
"I am seated at the Father's right hand, just like Jesus"!
"I have power and authority and dominion of the devil, nature, circumstances and situations, just like Jesus"!
We are just like Jesus, NOW!!! I just want to see people FREE and walking in God's BEST! Jesus has already paid for your Healing, Prosperity, Favor and Peace with God, Forgiveness, Redemption, Righteousness, Joy, Salvation, Security...and so much more! It is ours, we don't have to earn any of it, we don't have to perform for it, we don't have to measure up, we can't! Jesus already measured up for us, already performed for us at the Cross! Just enjoy His finished work!
All we have to do is Believe!
Love you,
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