As I sit and blog at this time, I have just read on Facebook and watched on television, the account of the recent murder of a young, teenage male in Florida. Yet another time, a senseless murder has occurred, and as always it is so sad. Once again there is a public outcry over this incident, and cries of racism once again rang out. This is of course not the first time that an incident like this has occurred, nor is it the last time that one will occur. While I can understand the rage of the American people, I am always much saddened by the fact that the real, true, problem is not confronted! Although a man was instrumental in taking the life of the young man, the real problem is the one who was behind it-satan himself! Yes, I know that there may be many reading this who do not agree, but people are not our problem. Your boss, your spouse, your coworker, the government is not your problem. All of the racism, terrorism, economic woes, sickness and disease, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and all of the other issues that we deal with, has satan as the cause. The unfortunate thing is that satan uses people to do his dirty work. Too many people allow satan to use them. Many don't even know that they are being used by him.
The Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:12, "we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places". Its not the people around you, its in a realm around you that you cannot see with your natural eyes! It is real. We spend all of our time fighting one another, getting mad at people instead of getting mad at the right one, who is loving the fact that we are fighting each other. Whether you believe it or not, we deal with spirits around us all of the time. Sickness and disease, economic problems, unemployment, strife, envy, jealously, gang issues, drug addiction, murders, all of this has a demonic spirit behind it. Laws are passed, but we cannot legislate demons. We have been given the power and dominion and authority over them. This is how we fight satan. God gave us power to deal with him. As long as we ignore the truth, and continue to fight in the natural with man's techniques, we will fail! Gangs will continue to take over neighborhoods, schools. Crime will continue to increase. Murders will continue. Folks pray and beg God to do something, when all along, He has given us the power to do something! Psalm 115:16 says, "the heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord's: but the earth has he given to the children of men". We gave us power to rule the earth! I know that some of you are say, this woman is crazy! As my pastor says, "God will not do for you, what he has given you power to do". Many say that God is in control. Is He? Seriously? If He is, well He is not doing a good job! No, as believers, we are responsible to combat the woes that attack this world, and yes we have the power to do so. Heaven will back us up! We as believers are here to take over and occupy until Jesus' return. So if you don't like what's going on here, do something about it, but do it God's way.
When Moses and the children of Israel were at the Red Sea, Moses cried unto God for help. (Exodus 14:15-16). Moses was whining to God about what needed to be done. God in essence asked Moses, "why are you crying to me. You use your power, stretch out your hand, and you divide it!" God didn't say I will divide the Red Sea. He told Moses to divide it! Just like God gave Moses the power, we have it too! We have it in greater measure because we have the Holy Spirit in us, Moses didn't!
We as believers, must do it God's way. "There is a way that seems right unto a man, but the ends are the ways of death"! (Proverbs 16:25) It was totally wrong as far as what happened in Florida. The man who committed the crime should be held accountable for it. Passing laws, a life of imprisonment, even lethal injections, have not stopped people from committing crimes. Folks are still guilty of doing hate crimes, satan does not care if a law is in effect, he is a murderer and God already told us that satan is here to steal, kill, and to destroy. He told us this and how to deal with him, so that we would not be ignorant of his devices! satan is having a field day because he is wreaking havoc in this earth, and he is getting away with it! No, I don't even capatilize his name.We have been called and commissioned to rule on this earth. We must do things God's way. It is spiritual warfare. No God is not going to stop it, when He has given us the power to.We have to deal with all of these issues, with The Word, by the power of the Holy Spirit, and we must know our enemy! We don't have to fear the devil. Jesus already defeated him, we must enforce his defeat! God has assured us that we have power over ALL the works of the devil, and NOTHING shall by any means hurt us! (Luke 10:19). That's a promise! Let's Do It God's Way!
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