Thursday, November 17, 2011

Well, I am getting a late start today, blogging. Had a project that I have been avoiding for quite some time, but could not continue to put off doing, so I had to face it today. Have you ever looked at a task, sitting big and  very visible right there in front of you, knowing that if you don't conquer it, no one else will? It wasn't major, nothing bad, just something that should have been dealt with a long time ago.Well, I decided that I had to face it today, and I am. That's why I didn't blog earlier. I knew that if I didn't handle the task first thing this morning, but start off blogging instead, I knew that I would never get the task done. I would have allowed myself to put it off, one more day! Isn't it funny how "one more day" suddenly turns into a week, a month and sometimes a year! Anyway, it was as I said, not a major, life or death situation, but it was something that I had to conquer. I have a friend, who has passed away now, but she used to say, "If you cannot take authority over a sink of dirty dishes, how are you gonna take authority over satan and win". Many times we let things go on in our lives that we need to handle, conquer, or take authority over. Often they are not major things, but things that we really shouldn't allow to stay there and take over or bother us. It could be a sink of dirty dishes that we put off washing today. We pass by and look at them, and we tell ourself that we will wash them later. Later becomes even later, and soon we discover that they have sat there dirty all week. (I know that that doesn't happen at your house!) LOL! Maybe it's clothes that need washing, dusting that needs to be done, worry that needs to stop, oh I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that!

We are sometimes guilty of letting things just go, even in our spiritual life. We fall asleep and forget to pray one night. Next time, we don't feel like reading the Word. We don't feel like spending time with our Father. We find ourself murmuring and complaining about a person or situation, we recognize that the enemy is certainly behind a situation in our life and you know that it is dragging on long enough. Maybe you have a bill, that you don't have the money to pay right now. You know that you really need to call the creditor, but because of fear, or just not wanting to deal with them today, you continue to put it off. We all are guilty, even if it only happened one time in our life. We have all just let things hang around, much too long. It may be a problem, a person, whatever it may be to you. Sometimes we just ignore stuff and covince ourself that if we ignore it long enough, it'll go away. Not always so!

I still sometimes struggle in this area. I am learning that there are some things that we are just going to have to face and address! God has given us so much power and authority. How much time have I wasted waiting on Him to change a situation, when all along , He was waiting on me!

Anyway, I said all of this to simply say that I have finally addressed and conquered a task that I should have taken care of a few days ago. Guess what, God even caused my son to lend his help, and I didn't even solicit it! I say God, because my son never would have volunteered for this task, on his own. LOL! Anyway the time was cut in half! Yay!!! It is done!

Perhaps you have been putting something off. C'mon, face it. Address it. My Pastor has always said that God will give you more along the way, than when you first get started! What does that mean? Look at me today-I really didn't want to confront the task. I was about to put it off for one more day. God gave me the wisdom to get started, but along the way after I did get started, right in the middle of the task, here comes my son to help me. Of course we finished in less time than it would have taken if I had done it by meslf. More along the way! Sometimes we are afraid to get started. Like Nike, just do it, and believe God along the way!

Ok now I am in the "go" mood. Now I am looking for someting else that needs doing. Better stop blogging for now, and take advantage of the "get er done mood!"

Enjoy your day! Make something happen!!!

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